Sativa vs. Indica: Overview
Sativa and indica are the two primary types of cannabis plants, each with different characteristics and effects when consumed. Here is a brief description of the differences between the two:
1. Appearance: Indica plants are short and bushy with broad leaves. They are suitable for cold climates with a short…
Los esteroides inhalados, también conocidos como corticosteroides inhalados, son medicamentos antiinflamatorios que se usan para tratar enfermedades pulmonares crónicas como el asma y la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC). Estos medicamentos se administran directamente a los pulmones a través de un inhalador, lo que les permite trabajar de manera más efectiva y específica en el…
Red Boost: A powerful tonic formula to help you with several bodily issues - An Overview
Red Boost is a potent herbal tonic used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The formula is made up of 10 different herbs, each with its unique benefits. The herbs in Red Boost are designed to tonify the blood,…
Ketosis is a state which your body enters when you are trying to lose weight either through the keto diet or any other ways like fasting. It is the presence of ketones in your body. Ketoacidosis also known as Diabetic Ketoacidosis or DKA on the other hand is a very complex condition of diabetes. It…
Diabetic Ketoacidosis When the blood sugar level in your body is very high and the ketone levels are raised to such an extent that it can be fatal a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis happens in your body. It is an extremely complicated form of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It usually occurs in people…
Tips to get into Ketosis Ketosis is a natural metabolic procedure that provides a ton of health benefits. While your body is in a state of ketosis it uses the accumulated fat and converts it into ketones which are used as the main source of energy. It is very healthy for the human body. Now…
Ketone Levels The main source of the human body for the generation of energy is glucose. When your body is low on glucose or insulin or if you have diabetes in such a case your body turns to the accumulated fat for energy. When these fatty acids are being broken down the by- product of…
Since the diets that are specially designed for Type 2 diabetes emphasize a lot of weight loss, it must not come as a shock when the keto diet is suggested for this. When a person is using the keto diet for weight loss the body converts not the glucose but insulin into energy. But since…