Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol 4, Number 1, September 2003
Counseling 101 Column
Bullying Prevention and Intervention
Even if you aren't receiving complaints, bullying is occurring in your school. Address it before something worse happens.
By Ted Feinberg, EdD, NCSP
Ted Feinberg is assistant executive director of the National Association of School Psychologists. He practiced as…
Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 4, Number 7, March 2004
Counseling 101 Column
Understanding and Responding to Students Who Self-Mutilate
Principals can help preserve the physical and psychological welfare of students who self-mutilate by improving awareness about the causes and signs of the behavior and establishing appropriate procedures for response .
By Richard Lieberman
Richard Lieberman is…
Dr. Scott Poland, Director of Psychological Services,
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District, Houston, TX, and
Member of the National Emergency Assistance Team
The aftermath of a youth suicide is a sad and challenging time for a school. The major tasks for suicide postvention are to help your students and fellow faculty to manage the understandable…
Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 4, Number 3, November 2003
Counseling 101 Column
Sometimes student psychological evaluations are necessary and appropriate-and sometimes they are not. Here's help in knowing how and when to conduct them .
By Andrea Canter, PhD, NCSP
Andrea Canter is a school psychologist in the Minneapolis Public Schools. She is a consultant…
by Richard B. Staples, CAGS
Peabody, MA
Adolescence is a time of transition between childhood and adulthood. "Transition" reflects movement, development or evolution from one form, stage or style to another. It is important to view adolescence as a process of incremental changes. It is generally accepted that the beginning of adolescence is marked…
Psychological Tests
Información para los padres
Adaptado por Andrea Canter, Ph.D., NCSP, (Escuelas de Minneapolis) del libro "Resuelva los problemas escolares de sus niños", (Harper Perenniel)
Cuando un niño es derivado o referido para una "evaluación psicológica", sus padres pueden sentirse molestos, confundidos o preocupados. Es importante recordar que ser derivado o referido a…
By Peg Dawson, EdD, NCSP
Seacoast Mental Health Center, Portsmouth, NH
Physicians and psychologists estimate that as many as 30% of children may have a sleep disorder at some point during childhood. Sleep disorders have implications both for social-emotional adjustment and for school performance. For this reason it is important for both parents and educators…
Destrezas de autocontrol para los niños
Self-Control Skills for Children
Información para los padres
por Louise K. Eckman
Universidad del Estado de Pennsylvania
Normalmente, los niños aprenden autocontrol durante los años preescolares y la escuela primaria. Aprender cuándo hablar y cuándo mantenerse callado, cuándo correr y cuándo sentarse, es parte fundamental del crecimiento. Es…
Young children learn from everything they do. They are naturally curious; they want to explore and discover. If their explorations bring pleasure or success, they will want to learn more. During these early years, children form attitudes about learning that will last a lifetime. Children who receive the right sort of support and encouragement during…
Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 4, Number 8, April 2004
Counseling 101 Column
Dealing With Death at School
Prior planning, empathic leadership, and teachable moments promote healing among students and staff members after the death of a member of the school community.
By Scott Poland and Donna Poland
Scott Poland is the director of Psychological Services…