Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol 4, Number 1, September 2003
Counseling 101 Column
Bullying Prevention and Intervention
Even if you aren't receiving complaints, bullying is occurring in your school. Address it before something worse happens.
By Ted Feinberg, EdD, NCSP
Ted Feinberg is assistant executive director of the National Association of School Psychologists. He practiced as…
Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 4, Number 4, December 2003
Counseling 101 Column
Making School Safe for Sexual Minority Students
Through school-based interventions and educational training for school staff members, schools can create a safe, supportive, and nondiscriminatory environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students.
By Erica M. Weiler
Erica M. Weiler is a licensed…
Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 4, Number 7, March 2004
Counseling 101 Column
Understanding and Responding to Students Who Self-Mutilate
Principals can help preserve the physical and psychological welfare of students who self-mutilate by improving awareness about the causes and signs of the behavior and establishing appropriate procedures for response .
By Richard Lieberman
Richard Lieberman is…
Dr. Scott Poland, Director of Psychological Services,
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District, Houston, TX, and
Member of the National Emergency Assistance Team
The aftermath of a youth suicide is a sad and challenging time for a school. The major tasks for suicide postvention are to help your students and fellow faculty to manage the understandable…
Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 4, Number 3, November 2003
Counseling 101 Column
Sometimes student psychological evaluations are necessary and appropriate-and sometimes they are not. Here's help in knowing how and when to conduct them .
By Andrea Canter, PhD, NCSP
Andrea Canter is a school psychologist in the Minneapolis Public Schools. She is a consultant…
Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 5, Number 2, October 2004
Counseling 101 Column
An ADHD Primer
A combination of medication and behavioral interventions tends to yield the greatest improvement in social skills and school performance for students with ADHD.
By George J. DuPaul and George P. White
George J. DuPaul, a professor in and coordinator of…
Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 4, Number 8, April 2004
Counseling 101 Column
Dealing With Death at School
Prior planning, empathic leadership, and teachable moments promote healing among students and staff members after the death of a member of the school community.
By Scott Poland and Donna Poland
Scott Poland is the director of Psychological Services…
Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 4, Number 8, May 2004
Counseling 101 Column
Helping Homeless Students
Principals have unique opportunities and a legal responsibility to assist homeless students and protect their rights in school.
By Elizabeth A. Mizerek and Elizabeth E. Hinz
Elizabeth A. Mizerek is a doctoral student in school psychology at the University of Minnesota. Elizabeth E.…
Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 5, Number 4, December 2004
Counseling 101 Column
A Problem-Solving Model for Improving Student Achievement
Problem solving is an alternative to assessments and diagnostic categories as a means to identify students who need special services.
By Andrea Canter
Andrea Canter recently retired from Minneapolis Public Schools where she served as lead…
Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 5, Number 1, September 2004
Counseling 101 Column
Collaborating With Physicians: A Guide for School Leaders
Collaboration between educators and physicians can make it more likely that students with medical conditions will be successful in school.
By Steven R. Shaw, Mark C. Clayton, Jodi L. Dodd, and Ben T. Rigby